Recipes from Home
A New Non-Fiction Anthology of Food Writing from Wales
Do you have a family recipe you’d like to share? A story behind that recipe and what it means to you and the place you either call home now, or once called home? Perhaps there's an occasion that you celebrate with food? Does this recipe remind you of someone, a place, or your childhood? How do you feel when you eat the food? Perhaps a particular recipe has had an impact on you and has become a tradition in your family now, bringing with it much nostalgia and many memories. The memories might not have always been positive in the past - maybe you did not always like that dish, but now it has become closely associated with positive memories and maybe even a sense of longing for something that has passed?
These are just some of the things we’d love to read about.
Honno is excited to announce a new anthology of food writing. Inspired by stories from the recently published Many Roads anthology, Honno would like to invite submissions of non-fiction/memoir surrounding your particular relationship with a recipe.
Please submit no more than 5000 words in either word or pdf, including the recipe (with instructions to make) to:
Email subject line should include: Recipes from Home and include a covering letter with a short bio making sure you include your connection to Wales (please see our guidelines below).
Please only submit one recipe.
Contributors fee: £50.00
This is open to unpublished and published writers alike. We are looking to publish a wide range of recipes and stories from Wales to all corners of the World.
We look forward to reading (eating) your submissions!
Deadline: February 21st 2025
Read more information on our submission guidelines here.